I forgot to take a picture of me on opening night at the Bra Zen Group Art show. But in case I don't get around to it, this here is my piece for those of you who haven't seen it. If you'd like to see it in person, it's up at the Jem Gallery until April 2nd.
It's called Band-Aid. (easier to see why full size. She has a Sesame Street Cookie Monster bandaid on her arm.)

Jem Gallery is located at 225 East Broadway, book-ended by Main and Kingsway.
What's the image in the bg. I can't make it out.
It's a crumpled piece of paper I spray-painted blue, then scanned, then used a half tone screen, then made larger.
Yeah, textbook amateur photoshop trickery, but I think it looks nice like that.
Is "half tone screen" some kinda filter that gives that weird newspaper like effect?
How do I do that?
It's in the pixelate menu. But yeah, what it does is when you look at old Archie digests, you'll see that they only use 3 colours (cyan, magenta and yellow), and black and white, of course. A half tone screen is a way of using dots of JUST those colours to reproduce the desired colours. But I made them larger dots to make them stand out more.
i keep trying to go to the jem to see this, but they're always closed. i asked brayshaw if he knew when they were open, and he had the same complaint. frustrating!
looks good. did it sell?
- jackie
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