I can't believe I've started doing Harry Potter fan art... I never would have believed it. Listening to the Stephen Fry audiobooks at work lead me to doodle stuff from time to time. God help me, I love it.

This is from Order of the Phoenix where Snape is teaching Harry oclimensy or something.
What about the scene where Dumbledore and Hagrid go to the gay bar.
I think that's in the half-blood prince. Don't worry, I'll get to it.
nice expression of anguish
You know, just for the record, your style looks really cool on them.
Are you reading the books, or have you read them.
We're not about to start talking about Harry Potter on blog are we?
I've always feared this moment.
I know, it's fuggin scary. I've become such a nerd.
I'm listening to the unabridged audiobooks as read by THE Stephen Fry (from A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Blackadder, etc.)
Just started on Half-Blood Prince.
They're long books. 24 hours most of'em at least.
Out of all the actors to play Harry Potter, you're my favorite.
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